Mervyn Stuart’s erotic art being brought to life by artist’s family after 30 years

Mervyn Stuart’s erotic art being brought to life by artist’s family after 30 years

The family of one of England’s foremost 20th Century portrait and life artists is bringing his work to life again. With works varying from ‘a little daring to downright naughty’ they are set to reinvigorate interest in the life and career of Mervyn Stuart.

Mervyn’s daughter, Sue, is determined to bring her father’s work back into the public eye: “We have carefully stored hundreds of his artworks for almost 30 years, and we feel it would be such a great loss if they are not shown and enjoyed again.

“We have developed a range of exciting formats that bring it right up to date and that will have an impressive impact in the home.”

Via the new ‘MervArt’ website at, the public can choose from over 100 pieces and order them in paper prints of various sizes. The available formats also include stunning wall murals. Line drawings are printed on to white vinyl backgrounds which can be easily applied to any smooth surface, such as a regular plaster wall.

An even cheekier option is the range of images on opaque vinyl sheets for shower doors, screens and bath panels. “They are great fun and make a real statement in the bathroom,” says Sue. “As far as we are aware, nothing quite like them is available anywhere and they make a great interior design choice or a cheeky gift idea.”

The venture has been a family affair. As well as Sue’s work in curating the pieces, the website has in the main been produced by Mervyn’s great-grandson Matthew, with help from his grandson, Simon.

Mervyn’s career was incredibly varied. He served in the army during the second world war, spending part of the time as a war artist at the front. He had the unenviable task of painting soldiers with serious facial injuries, later used by pioneering plastic surgeon Sir Harold Gillies in his ground-breaking book ‘The Principles and Art of Plastic Surgery’.

After the war, Mervyn continued with his work of illustrating for numerous magazines, books, and periodicals. He was exhibited at several London shows and was even commissioned to paint one of the ceilings at the magnificent Goodwood House – a house visited by the Queen and adored by Edward VII, who visited every year.

Up to retirement he continued his work as a commercial artist commissioned by large companies and corporations to produce advertisements shown on hoardings throughout the UK and worldwide. “A happy memory for the family is being roped in as models,” Sue says. “We had the pleasure of seeing images of ourselves pretty much everywhere we went.”

But it is his many erotic pieces, that are piquing most interest now. These and other works are available to view and order at

Mervyn Stuart: Self portrait

You can see the full Mervyn Stuart collection of erotic drawings at

Mervyn Stuart’s erotic art being brought to life by artist’s family after 30 years

The family of one of England’s foremost 20th Century portrait and life artists is bringing his work to life again. With works varying from ‘a little daring to downright naughty’ they are set to reinvigorate interest in the life and career of Mervyn Stuart.

Mervyn’s daughter, Sue, is determined to bring her father’s work back into the public eye: “We have carefully stored hundreds of his artworks for almost 30 years, and we feel it would be such a great loss if they are not shown and enjoyed again.

“We have developed a range of exciting formats that bring it right up to date and that will have an impressive impact in the home.”

Via the new ‘MervArt’ website at, the public can choose from over 100 pieces and order them in paper prints of various sizes. The available formats also include stunning wall murals. Line drawings are printed on to white vinyl backgrounds which can be easily applied to any smooth surface, such as a regular plaster wall.

An even cheekier option is the range of images on opaque vinyl sheets for shower doors, screens and bath panels. “They are great fun and make a real statement in the bathroom,” says Sue. “As far as we are aware, nothing quite like them is available anywhere and they make a great interior design choice or a cheeky gift idea.”

The venture has been a family affair. As well as Sue’s work in curating the pieces, the website has in the main been produced by Mervyn’s great-grandson Matthew, with help from his grandson, Simon.

Mervyn’s career was incredibly varied. He served in the army during the second world war, spending part of the time as a war artist at the front. He had the unenviable task of painting soldiers with serious facial injuries, later used by pioneering plastic surgeon Sir Harold Gillies in his ground-breaking book ‘The Principles and Art of Plastic Surgery’.

After the war, Mervyn continued with his work of illustrating for numerous magazines, books, and periodicals. He was exhibited at several London shows and was even commissioned to paint one of the ceilings at the magnificent Goodwood House – a house visited by the Queen and adored by Edward VII, who visited every year.

Up to retirement he continued his work as a commercial artist commissioned by large companies and corporations to produce advertisements shown on hoardings throughout the UK and worldwide. “A happy memory for the family is being roped in as models,” Sue says. “We had the pleasure of seeing images of ourselves pretty much everywhere we went.”

But it is his many erotic pieces, that are piquing most interest now. These and other works are available to view and order at

Mervyn Stuart: Self portrait

You can see the full Mervyn Stuart collection of erotic drawings at

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