Western Isles council dismisses LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum

Western Isles council dismisses LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum

A step back for LGBTQ+ education

It has been revealed that the Western Isles have rejected the 2021 LGBTQ+ inclusive school curriculum and have opted for a Roman Catholic influenced form of teaching.

The decision was made after the Church of Scotland ministers in Lewis stated that some parents and teachers were upset about the new LGBTQ+ comprehensive education.

Rev Hugh Stewart stated that the LGBTQ+ curriculum would pressure children from Christian homes to embrace views that clash with their morals.

“It is one thing for a child or young person to be educated and objectively informed, it is another to require them to ’embrace’, which infers a tacit support for, a view that contradicts their own morality or faith position,” Stewart says.

Many members of the Western Isles community who supported the LGBTQ+ inclusive education, worry about how this decision will affect their children’s academic future.

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Western Isles council dismisses LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum

A step back for LGBTQ+ education

It has been revealed that the Western Isles have rejected the 2021 LGBTQ+ inclusive school curriculum and have opted for a Roman Catholic influenced form of teaching.

The decision was made after the Church of Scotland ministers in Lewis stated that some parents and teachers were upset about the new LGBTQ+ comprehensive education.

Rev Hugh Stewart stated that the LGBTQ+ curriculum would pressure children from Christian homes to embrace views that clash with their morals.

“It is one thing for a child or young person to be educated and objectively informed, it is another to require them to ’embrace’, which infers a tacit support for, a view that contradicts their own morality or faith position,” Stewart says.

Many members of the Western Isles community who supported the LGBTQ+ inclusive education, worry about how this decision will affect their children’s academic future.

The post Western Isles council dismisses LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum appeared first on GAY TIMES.

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